Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Dear Cohen,

 I'll never forget when your mom told me she was pregnant with you. We had waited so long to hear the words "We are pregnant" from your parents. I was immediately excited. Your mom and dad longed for the day they would get that little positive sign on a pregnancy test. It didn't seem like your mom was carrying you very long before you surprised us with your entry into the world. There was so many emotions surrounding that day. It was a day that I can play back so vividly in my mind even though its now been three years. I remember waiting for work to be over so I could make my way to see you in your little incubator. I remember the first time your tiny little hand wrapped around my finger. I remember your mom sending me updates constantly while you were still in the hospital. I remember the first time I got to hold you, I just stared at you and cried tears of joy that you were here. 

It has been the neatest thing watching you grow from 2 lbs 7 oz to a now 35 lb rambunctious three year old. I've loved watching you with Max. It's so fun to watch how you two interact. You are always over the moon excited to see your "Mac". I know we don't make it out near enough to see you and mom but FaceTime has to be the best invention of all time. You two are so funny making faces and yelling at each other. I just want to say thanks for always reminding those around you to not take life so seriously. That its perfectly fine to do a little jig whenever and wherever you hear music. 

Now that I've had Max I totally get your mom's "momma bear" mentality. Watching her with you has definitely eased some of my first time mom fears. You have some seriously amazing parents. I love seeing the different things you bring out in them. 

I can't wait to see what you do when you get older. Whatever it is, I know it's ping to be amazing. I love you so much.

- Aunt T

1 comment:

  1. It is crazy to think that 3 years ago this was my 12th night being a momma. My 7th night at home with out my boy. I couldn't as for more from you! While working and going to school you still found time to come and see me. To call and check on me. I am so thankful that I get to call you MY best friend and MY sister! I couldn't ask for a better Aunt for our boy. I have loved watching you and Cohen from day one. The way you say "I'm his favorite and he is mine". It is so true. I love that our boys are close and that we get to face time when we aren't able to see each other. I look forward to continuing our journey through parenthood together. Thank you for loving our boy, loving us, and for giving us our "MAC". We love you three!!
