Wednesday, January 30, 2013


We have been renovating our home for the past few weeks. I take that back we've been renovating for almost 2 years. We do little projects here and there trying to get it to where we want it. It makes me sad to ever think about moving out of this little house, but I know the day will come sooner than I will be ready for. 

This man (papa) is the most amazing example of what a man should be. Not just because of how awesome he is, but because you can see his awesome-ness trickle down into his children and grand-children. 

Letting go of my great grandmother's oven was one of the hardest things to do. 

These little hands and feet are getting so smart it's unreal.

Today marks some changes for our little family and for me in particular. I have realized since having Max that I have a horrible self image most of the time. I look in the mirror and think about when I was most happy with me physically and I just get sad that I have in a sense, let my self go. It's not about being skinny at all, it's about being healthy. Not just me but my family too. I'm just lazy when it comes to taking care of myself. I think as a stay at home mom it's easy to lose yourself. And I can honestly say that I have. 

Today that changes. 

I'm excited for this. 

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